Monday, January 28, 2013

First post from Jordan

Hello all,

This is my first post from Jordan. It is currently 5 am in the mourning here in Amman. My new buddies and I just got woken up by the call to prayer. It was so awesome! There is a huge minaret right outside our window and we heard it very clearly. The song was so soft and beautiful! Amazing! It is cloudy and kinda rainy out right now, but I will take a picture of the minaret later. I tried and couldn't get a picture. The azzan, or call to prayer, was recited two times within what we think was five minutes. The azzan is on a recording, but still sounded amazing. I love the idea of the call to prayer at dawn. I like to think of it as a get up and be productive call, after all now my entire hotel room is blogging and getting ready for the day. It is also nice to be reminded of God when you first wake up in the morning. What a way to start my first day in Jordan.

Yes, I made it safely to Jordan. I loved my Royal Jordanian Flight! The flight attendants were dressed in beautiful red blazers and had their hear elegantly swepted up under a fashionable hate. All the announcements were given in Arabic first followed by English. The flight crew spoke in Arabic to people that appeared to be native speakers, but when they turned to me or my friends, they spoke in ENglish. While the English was nice, I should have tried my Arabic. I am able to say thinks such as "yes, I would like some coffee" in Arabic. Missed opportunity.  Five other girls from my SIT program were on the flight and it was nice getting to know them. Immigration went well and the visa guy asked me if I knew Arabic. I responded Shwaya, a little. He laughed and I was happy that I made the attempt.

Last night we had dinner together as a group and met some of the teachers. Deema, the homestay coordinator, sat with my part of the table. She is so sweet and I look forward to getting to know her better. She told us to prepare for a rough day today, as we will be attending six lectures intended to orientate ourselves to Jordan. 

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